Health issues
I need to consult a doctor
Can i consult a doctor ?
You can consult doctors in the city (especially general practitioners), go to hospitals, healthcare centres, healthcare clinics or departments. Whatever your situation, you will be looked after. However, depending on your situation, you may have to cover the costs
If you are a French speaker, you can make an appointment directly online at Doctolib or any other appointment platform of your choice. To help you use Doctolib, please consult the notice drawn up by the French Government..
Do I have to pay to access treatment?
If you are of French nationality or you are in a regular situation on French territory, you can apply for Universal Health Protection.
If you are in an irregular situation on French territory, you can apply for State Medical Aid.
These devices will allow partial or total coverage of your consultation costs.
If you do not have open rights or your coverage is incomplete, you may be responsible for certain costs during consultations.
In case of an emergency, you can go directly to a hospital where you will be treated free of charge, regardless of your administrative situation, whether you have your papers or not, under fully safe and confidential conditions.
Can I get free treatment?
If you do not have any documents or medical coverage, there are facilities that allow you to access health care free of charge:
- healthcare access offices (PASS) to find the nearest one, you can consult the regional directories of PASS offices in Île-de-France.
- Hospitals will treat you free of charge if emergency treatment is required. However, if the treatment is not followed by hospitalisation, and in the absence of a mutual insurance company a limited financial contribution may be requested; to find the nearest hospital, you can consult the directory of hospitals in France..
I need psychological support
I need support from a mental health professional
If you are feeling anxious, worried or depressed and feel the need to consult a mental health professional, you can make an appointment at medical-psychological centre.. You will be cared for under the same conditions as described in the section I need to consult a doctor..
Medical-psychological centres provide care in French. However, you can request professional interpreting to facilitate communication.
To find out more about accessing the centres, please consult the Government notice on how to access a medical-psychological centre..
I want to be vaccinated against Covid-19
Vaccination against Covid-19 is free of charge in France. You can go directly to one of the vaccination center open in France or make an appointment online on Doctolib or any other digital platform of your choice..