I risk ending up on the street, what should I do?
If you are a tenant at the end of your lease, threatened with eviction, or staying with a third party who has expressed the wish that you find another solution, first contact the social services of your district: Polyvalent Departmental Social Services ( SSDP) or Social Action Center of the City of Paris (CASVP). You will find all the addresses by clicking on this link. You will find all the addresses by clicking on this link.
Also check with your borough town hall to make an appointment with a social worker. During the appointment, don’t forget to bring proof of address or a certificate of accommodation less than a month old. During the appointment, don’t forget to bring proof of address or a certificate of accommodation less than a month old.
If you have taken all the necessary steps and you are threatened with eviction, you can take advice from the association Droit Au Logement. You will find the committee closest to you by clicking on this link.